There are two types of disappointments in life. The type that makes you weak and depressed. The other makes you stronger. This incidents makes you wonder, what makes a man? How should one respond to the spiteful challenges of life that needs attention? I recently attended a financial literacy course at Sunlife BGC that made me realize how the entire population respond to change. We inevitably give our all to what’s apparent. We even go beyond our 100% human capacity. Reason being, Love for the family. That’s why some as what financial coach and founder of Peso and Sense, Aya Laraya experienced through his advocacy in a province that was struck by a typhoon, a town was challenged if they can put in or save at least 300 pesos in 6 months for their 100k worth of life’s security that would benefit their precious love ones. For us in the urban setting, this should be easy but for these people who may not know where to get their daily sustenance, this poses a heavy challenge. Most of the people present were adamant on the idea of a life path towards financial security. I know some would say its only 100k face value, duh! Let me quote the famous Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu. Its about one bold step to reach ones goal. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Life is the sum of all your choices – Camus What is your priority in life? Are you keen on living a laid back set-up or a life to the fullest with all its complexities? No matter how difficulties intertwine with your much awaited success, it is all about the choices you make and stick with it until the end of the road. Planning and Managing Expenses- The course was designed to give hope to most of us Filipinos on how we could pave a clear path towards old age. Reality check, “what appears to be the last in the hierarchy of needs of Maslow’s should be at least part of the first three basic needs, Plan for your future. Thereby, if you need food now, it’s the same when you age. Question is where you pull out the resources to acquire food when at your prime you disregard the notion to save for the future. During the session, we were introduced to a recommended lifestyle expense app called Wally which can be downloaded through Google Play Store. The app is easy to use and can help you track your daily expense as well as set up a monthly budget. We are also encouraged to make a draft of our monthly household expenses and weigh if you can modify unnecessary entries. By doing so, It will help you visualize and be more aware of your finances. Look into what the biggest chunk ans see if you will be surprised.
Join me on this BlogSerye as LaunchVerbatim Share the insightful learning from the most Titled Finance Guru in the industry, Aya Laraya in partnership with Sun Life. Sunlife is extending its effort in providing financial literacy to every Filipino through Money For Life, Please see link of previous post: SunLife Money for Life
December 2021